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Is Bumper Cars The Most Useless Sex Position On This Site?

Bumper Cars Sex Position
The classic bumper cars sex position

If you have a fetish for smelling feet, get turned on by putting your dick in extreme danger, and want to get it on but need a break from staring at each others mugs, the Bumper Cars sex position might be just the move you’re looking for.

No but seriously, there is a fraction of women who will absolutely love this position and get stimulated in ways that just aren’t possible in any other pose. If might also be something that’s on your sex buckets list. If so, give it a shot but please, practice extreme caution with this one and START S-L-O-W!

Here’s how to do it:

You both lie face down and away from each other. Her on the bottom and you on top. Align your naughty bits and slide into her.

Bumper Cars Plow Cam

The terms bumper cars comes from the idea that both of you will be rocking back and forth, bumping your butts together. In reality, this doesn’t create the most pleasurable sensation and it can easily lead to chest burn as you rub your skin against the bed. If you watch the position done in porn or you actually try it yourself, you’ll see it much easier if you do the thrusting while your woman stays (relatively) still.

You can go for vaginal intercourse in this move but it really shines as an anal position.

Either way, START SLOW. Your penis will be at an awkward and unusual angle here and you want to avoid bending too much. Start slow and gradually speed up as you feel more confident. It’s also best to already be warmed up when trying this move so save it for later on in your session, once you’ve already got your heart going and built up a sweat.

PRO TIP: By sliding a pillow or folded blanket under her thighs, you can create a completely different angle. This can make it easier for you to enter your woman. Make sure your prop is under her thighs and not under her belly or you’ll tilt her in the opposite direction.

Over The Edge Bumper Cars:

This version will likely be the easiest in terms of penis bend. Lie flat on the bed while she’s hanging over it.

Over the Edge Bumper Cars

Keep In Mind: It’s unlikely you’ll be able to go deep in the bumper cars sex position… and that’s a good thing! Many guys believe ‘deeper is better’ but it’s not true. The majority of a woman’s vaginal nerve endings are in the first half of the vagina. The majority are crammed into the g-spot, which will be very easy for you to hit thanks to the bizarre angle achieved in the Bumper Cars sex position.

That said, if you’re smaller than average, you might find it impossible to enter your woman in the bumper cars. If that’s your case, I recommend you check out the butterfly. It’ll make you feel HUGE and exquisite while you dominate her g-spot with ease!

Bent Bumper Cars Sex Position:

If you’ve read some of my other blog (or advanced trainings) you know that some women have their O spot located on a side rather than straight on. If this is your woman, try a bent knees version to hit the sides of her insides.

Lying on a couch with one leg hanging off is an easy (and comfortable) way to accomplish this.

Bent Bumps

If you want to dominate your woman’s O-spot regardless of position, learn the big penetration almost all men make and start fucking like an all star tonight.

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